Come one come all. Join us for an exciting day of rides, games, and family activities at the Onslow Pines Park on July 4th, 2007. The park is located at 1244 Onslow Pines Road just outside of Jacksonville. To get there, take Highway 17 south past the Marine Corps Air Station New River, turn right at the Harley Davidson store. The Onslow Pines Park is one mile down on the right-hand side.
The New River Foundation will be manning the concession stands throughout the day. Stop by to get your ice cold drinks, Italian Ice, Nachos, Hot Dogs and more. Take a moment and visit our Foundation members and The New RiverKeeper and find out how you can get involved. Don't forget to leave a donation to help support the efforts to keep your waterways clean. All donations to New River Foundation are used to support efforts to protect and preserve the New River and it's tributaries.
The fun begins at 2 p.m. with vendor booths, face painting, rides, games and a fossil dig. Karaoke will start at 2:30 p.m., and the band Colours will perform on stage from 5:30 to 9:15 p.m. The fire works display will start at 9:15 p.m. For more information visit the Web page at www.co.onslow.nc.us/parks . This event is sponsored by Onslow County Parks and Recreation Department.
Visit the New River Foundation website at http://www.newriverfoundation-onslow.org/ to find out how you can make a difference for our River and our local community.